We are stewards of the buildings and grounds that God has given us. Help us to furnish, maintain, and protect these gifts for God's glory and the good of all our parish.
The Building and Maintenance Committee is responsible for inspecting all facilities for the parish and making recommendations regarding maintenance needs. The committee meets quarterly.
Maintenance recommendations include:
If you are interested in serving on this committee, please contact Dow Campbell at dcampbell@findlaystmichaeol.org
The church cleaning ministry’s mission is to keep our places of worship clean and ready for services throughout the week. What better way is there to serve God and be able to pray in His house while doing it?
Volunteers clean on Monday mornings. This ministry requires the ability to do general cleaning such as sweeping, dusting, cleaning bathrooms, washing windows or mopping floors, along with straightening the song books. Volunteers can choose which area is best for their abilities.
Please contact Cathy Mutchler at bmutch4840@aol.com if you are interested in helping to maintain the Main Church.
The church cleaning ministry's mission is to keep our places of worship clean and ready for services throughout the week. What better way is there to serve God and be able to pray in His house while doing it?
Volunteers clean on Monday mornings, with two crews doing every other week. This ministry requires the ability to do general cleaning such as sweeping, dusting, cleaning bathrooms, washing windows or mopping floors, along with straightening the song books.
Please contact the Parish Office at 419-422-2646
The Gardening and Grounds Care Ministry’s mission is to keep the outside of our parish facilities beautiful and inviting for parishioners and visitors. The ministry meets at various times throughout the year, with spring and fall being busier, but upkeep is done year round. Sometimes work sessions are followed by a visit to Dietsch's or Panera! This ministry is open to as many volunteers as possible who are physically able to plant, water, weed, hoe, trim or mulch. Training and tools are provided. Work can be done individually or as a team on a specific project.
Please contact Lee Scott at lscott@findlaystmichael.org to volunteer!
Updated information coming soon!
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