The Sacrament of Penance, also known as Reconciliation or Confession, is an integral part of our Sacramental Journey with God. In this Sacrament, we have the opportunity both to receive forgiveness of sins which break our tie to God's salvific grace and also to receive special graces of healing and strength in our on-going battle against all forms of temptation. Because this Sacrament is such an important remedy against our spiritual ills, the Church mandates that all Catholics in the state of mortal sin receive the Sacrament of Penance at least once a year. However, many saints (and the Church herself) have said that it is advisable to go much more frequently, since we should always seek more than the minimum in our relationship with God.
Our standard, week-to-week opportunities for confession are as follows:
The Pastor and Parochial Vicar are available for individual appointments as well. If the normally scheduled opportunities for this Sacrament do not work for you or if you would prefer an individual appointment for other reasons, use the contact form below to get in contact with the priests.
As Christmas and Easter draw close each year, extra opportunities are provided to receive this Sacrament. Be sure to check the bulletin during these seasons.
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