Altar servers have the privilege of assisting the priest in the sanctuary during the Mass and other liturgical functions. Altar servers are a vital part of the liturgical ministry role, and the way they serve can lead people closer to God.
"The closer you are to the altar, the more you will remember to speak with Jesus in daily prayer; the more you will be nourished by the word and the body of the Lord; the better able you will be to go out to others, bringing them the gift that you have received, giving in turn with enthusiasm the joy you have received.” (Pope Francis)
Servers must be active Catholics in at least the 5th grade.
Interested? Contact the Parish Office at 419.422.2646
The role of the “Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion” is to assist the priest in the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ at the parish Masses and/or to take the Holy Eucharist to those in the hospital, the nursing home or homebound.
To serve as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, persons must be practicing Catholics, distinguished in their Christian life, faith and morals; be at least 16 years old; have received the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist; demonstrate a deep reverence for and devotion to the Holy Eucharist.
A commissioning session is required once every two years.
Interested? Contact the Parish Office at 419.422.2646
“When the Sacred Scriptures are read in the Church, God himself speaks to his people, and Christ, present in his word, proclaims the Gospel. Therefore, the readings from the Word of God are to be listened to reverently by everyone, for they are an element of the greatest importance in the Liturgy.” (General Instruction of the Roman Missal no. 29)
Therefore the lector serves the assembly by proclaiming the sacred scripture during the Liturgy of the Word. The worthy exercise of this role enables the Church to hear the Word of God more clearly and receive it with more open hearts. The lector prepares for her/his role by rehearsing and praying over and coming to understand the biblical text assigned her/him for a particular liturgical celebration.
Interested? Contact the Parish Office at 419.422.2646
Ushers provide many services, including helping people find a seat during crowded Masses, passing the offertory baskets, guiding the congregation for Communion, passing out bulletins at the end of Mass, and generally assisting anyone who needs help during Mass.
Interested? Contact the Parish Office at 419.422.2646
The Environment and Art ministry provides artistic enhancement to the liturgical space in keeping with the seasons of the liturgical year.
Interested? Contact the Parish Office at 419.422.2646
For information regarding the Music Ministry at St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Parish, please contact the Parish Office, at 419.422.2646 or
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