The Bereavement Ministry is a quiet ministry in our Parish. Some team members assist grieving families by offering closing prayers at the funeral home, prior to the funeral Mass at the church. Others visit local funeral homes to offer support to families after a loved one's death and then maintain contact for one year. Cards and leaflets are also sent when appropriate. Some are helping with the "Grieving with Great Hope" program. We are involved in the All Souls' Day Mass of Remembrance and provide breakfast following that Mass. There are four one-hour meetings during the year.
For questions or comments, please complete the contact form at the bottom of this page.
Do you hear a calling? Most people would say I don’t really know what the Bereavement Ministry is all about. Don’t feel as if you are all alone. It’s the quiet ministry at St. Michael’s that responds usually in time of sadness – when a loved one has passed on – when life may seem a bit unreal – when that hole in the stomach doesn’t seem to heal – when comfort is needed, but still may be inadequate – at a time when there may be no right words. Is that calling starting to bubble just a bit? If not, no problem. This may not be the time, or maybe it wasn’t meant to be.
If you would like to know more, please read on. This ministry could be for you, and we do need you.
It’s a Ministry which allows great flexibility of time. Meetings are held on the second Monday in January and the third Monday in March, May, August, October from 7:00-8:00 p.m. in the Teacher’s Lounge at the school.
When a death occurs, one of the members makes a visit to the local funeral home, making St. Michael’s presence known, letting the bereaved know that we at St. Michael Parish do care, and the bereaved have our support and prayers.
Sometime later, when the activity the funeral creates ceases and the friends and relatives have gone, and the bereaved may be alone, you’ll send a note or drop off a little book. You do what appears appropriate and as the Spirit guides you. Maybe it’s a plate of cookies; a phone call; a visit; maybe you can pour coffee at the annual Mass and breakfast held the third Saturday in January at 8:00 a.m. in the Main Church for those who have lost someone. Come and heal together, everyone is welcome.
There aren’t a lot of rules and guidelines to follow in this Ministry, but if you are a person who wants to show someone you care and who can take the risk of operating in the uneasy area of emotions and feelings where you may not always be sure of just what to do to help, then this ministry is for you. You will be giving one of the greatest gifts you can – YOURSELF. You may feel the self-satisfaction of knowing you are helping. We will guide you; a ministry member will be with you until you are ready to solo. Or, if after looking at the Ministry, you decide it is not for you, we will support you in that decision.
If interested, call the Parish Office or complete the contact form below.
The Bereavement Ministry of St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church invites you to attend the special All Souls’ Mass of Remembrance. As you might know, November 1st is All Saints’ Day and November 2nd is All Soul’s Day, the day we remember our deceased loved ones. The Mass is open to all parishioners of St. Michael’s, but it is especially for those who have experienced the death of a loved one during the past year.
During the Mass, a candle will be lit for each month, since October 2019, and your loved one’s name will be prayerfully read aloud during the appropriate month.
Please, consider joining us and inviting others, especially those who have lost a loved one this last year.
We look forward to joining you in prayer and remembrance at this Mass.
Thank you for contacting us!
Someone from the Bereavement Ministry team or the Parish Office will be in touch with you soon.
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