Consider joining one of the following organizations and societies that works to serve those most vulnerable in our world, such as the materially poor and the unborn.
If you have ever lost a loved one, you know how important support is from others. That is what the Bereavement Ministry does. The Bereavement Ministry is the quiet ministry that supports grieving families of St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Parish. The roles of the ministry are performed by members who are caring, compassionate and empathetic listeners.
What does the Bereavement Ministry do?
- Prays for the deceased and the grieving families
- Provides closing prayers at the funeral home
- Prays the rosary at the funeral home
- Visits the funeral home, representing the Parish
- Attends the funeral mass
- Provides periodic contact with the grieving family through cards, visits, and phone calls
- Listens to the bereaved and offers compassion
- Presents Grieving with Great Hope, a 5-week program for the bereaved
- Coordinates the annual All Souls’ Mass of Remembrance
No one person provides all these functions. The various roles are easily tailored to fit individual needs. For instance, maybe you would like to say prayers at the funeral home. Or maybe your strength is to give a periodic call to someone to check in on them, listen, and let them know someone cares. Maybe your strength is to visit the funeral home and share your support from the Parish or to be present at the funeral. Maybe you would like to help serve coffee after the All Souls’ Remembrance Mass. This ministry allows a great deal of flexibility on roles and time commitments. If you are a person who is compassionate and can take the risk of being present in the uneasy space of another person’s grief, listen to them with empathy, and trust in the Holy Spirit to guide you, then this ministry is for you. You will be giving one of the greatest gifts you can – YOURSELF.
If you are interested in learning more about this ministry, please contact the Parish Office at 419-422-2646
The Human Life Committee’s mission is to uphold the "Right to Life" of all peoples in all stages of life and communicate to parishioners the true teaching of the Catholic Church in regards to the sanctity of all human life. This ministry is open to all members of the parish. It meets on the second Thursday of each month at 7:00pm in the parish office conference room (except July and December).
Some of the activities that the Human Life committee sponsors include Stations of the Cross for Victims of Abortion (3rd Friday in January), Carnations for Moms & Donuts for Dads fundraisers, Holy Hour of Adoration to celebrate Respect Life Month in October.
For more information please contact Kim Coutinho at or Renee Light at
Please click on the link below for more information about Walking With Moms in Need, an apostolate within the Human Life Committee.
Walking With Moms in Need (WWMIN) is a nationwide USCCB initiative to increase outreach to pregnant mothers in need. Inspired by St. Pope John Paul II's call to build a culture of life, it was created in 2020 to honor the 25th anniversary of his encyclical Evangelium vitae (The Gospel of Life). Walking With Moms in Need engages parishioners around a life-affirming effort to support mothers facing challenging pregnancies, and supports and expands work already being done while remaining faithful to Catholic teaching. The Walking With Moms in Need initiative at St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Parish is committed to accompanying vulnerable mothers through all challenges while celebrating the joy of motherhood.
The purpose of the Family Life Committee (FLC) is to promote the health and flourishing of parishioners and parish families according to the mind of God and of the Catholic Church. Membership is open to all active, registered parishioners of Saint Michael the Archangel Parish.
For more information, please contact the Parish Office at
The Holy Name Society provides assistance to the pastor and parish in a supportive role. This ministry provides the parish breakfast on the second Sunday of the month (excluding June, July, and August) and provides the senior graduation breakfast. This ministry is open to Catholic males 18 years of age and older.
We are Leo Council 957; In service To One, In Service To All.
From the moment of our founding in 1882, charity has been the first principle of the Knights of Columbus. We are men of faith and men of action.
Membership is open to the men 18 years of age and a practicing Catholic.
Meetings are currently held remotely, and once a month, with the Rosary recited at 7:00 pm and meeting beginning at 7:30 pm.
Learn more at
For more information contact Chuck Sear at or for Hall Rental contact Ron Brinkman at
Leo Councilettes is a group of women from St. Michael parish committed to sharing our Catholic faith with members of our parish and community through spiritual and social activities. All women of St. Michael the Archangel Parish are welcome and encouraged to join.
Join us for prayer, faith and fellowship, charitable functions, guest speakers, field trips, friendship, fun, special events and more!
We've supported Christian Clearing House, Pinot with the Pastor, Hope House, Share the Harvest, Adopt-A-Family, Women's Resource Center, Ash Wednesday Bag Lunch, Red Cross Blood Drives, K of C Fish Frys and more!
Other activities include assisting the funeral Rosary ministry before funerals of deceased women in the parish, supporting Lenten Fish Frys, and providing educational opportunities for members through tours, visits to area churches, speakers and more. We also host events to raise funds for local charities.
Join for FREE by June 30, 2025.
For more information, contact the St. Michael Parish Office at 419-422-2646.
As an outreach ministry, our vision is to respond to the basic needs of humanity through the Corporal Works of Mercy. Our goal is to quickly connect parishioners in need, with our legion of volunteers who are willing to help. The mission of this apostolate is to provide “hope through service” by imitating St. Joseph. How are you called to serve?
To register as a volunteer to serve fellow parishioners in need and discern if/how you can help on any given request, click on the link below. For questions or more information, please email
This ministry makes homemade items that are donated to organizations in our county who help those in need. Hats, scarves, and gloves are made by knitting, crocheting, or even sewn fleece. Everyone is welcome to join this ministry, no experience is necessary.
For further detailed information, please contact Karen Bjorksten via email at You can even find us on Facebook at Warm Cap Project.
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